Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Looking forward to Aix-en-Provence!

                 My trip to Aix-en-Provence is less than a month away and I can already envision myself completely immersed in French culture and language. The idea of going to France with a group of people my age for a whole month seems more than surreal. There are endless reasons as to why I chose an Abbey Road summer program over any other program. Abbey Road doesn't only want you to sight see and explore France. They want you to actually practice speaking French with natives while also learning the fine points of French grammar in school. The main reason I signed up for this summer program is to completely immerse myself into a new environment and experience living life just like a French teen would!
                 I’m thrilled to meet the people attending this trip with me because I am 100% positive that these people will remain my friends forever. This trip will undoubtedly create an everlasting bond with my peers. I’m also looking forward to exploring the streets of Aix-en-Provence and becoming familiar with the different stores and restaurants there. I want to look for little idiosyncrasies that this town has. France is worldly renowned for having extravagant and exquisite cuisine; so the food is something that I am eager to try! I’m sure that French food is different than American food but that’s all part of the experience. I see myself ordering des escargots, ratatouille, or even crème brûlée for dessert! Living in a different country for a month is perfect for people who are open-minded and willing to try new things that are different than what they’re normally used to.
                  Personally, I think I’m more enthusiastic about our French classes in the morning than any else. I’m excited to refine my studies of French with the help of experienced professors who are passionate about teaching French. The tri-weekly elective seems delightful as well because we get to take a break from grammar and do something we enjoy! I will be taking the French Conversation elective which is more than perfect for me because my main goal for this trip is to become comfortable speaking French.
                  I think I’m going to spend most of this trip documenting everything so that I’ll never forget my adventures in Aix-en-Provence. I will most likely be remembered as “the girl who filmed everything” or “the girl who stayed up till midnight writing about her day.” My friends in New York also want me to send them postcards from France and I promised them I would but only if they would let me write the postcard in French. Most of my friends agreed to this deal and assured me that they would treasure it forever.
                   To conclude, I’m hoping that this will be the best summer of my life. I hope it’s filled with countless memories that will always remain in my heart. I’ll try new things, admire stunning views, eat authentic French food and create amazing friendships. This will be the trip of a lifetime and the epitome of my high school experience. Stay tuned for photos, videos, and a lot of writing! Here you'll discover my adventure in Aix-en-Provence.


1 comment:

  1. je suis très heureuse que tu t'amuses beaucoup et que tu sois si contente. Comment est-ce que tu trouves tes cours? Je voudrais savoir plus de ça (les profs, si les autres sont aussi doués que toi en français, etc...) Laisse-moi savoir tous et envoie-moi une carte postale si tu peux à 17 Colgate Rd. Great Neck, NY 11023-2221. merci!
